
As the cost of "Sick"care skyrockets so to do the cost associated with every aspect of the sick care industry (insurance premiums, co-pays, pharmaceutical drugs, sick leave, etc.). The time to act and take care of ourselves while jealously guarding our health has come. We can no longer afford to hand over our health or our wealth to others and hope to live happy, productive lives. The goal of this blog is to wade through some of the more mundane as well as a few sensational health issues that affect us today and how to get over them.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Diabetes - A 21st Century Scourge: The Tests You Need

Diabetes reversal requires a holistic approach and as such it requires a higher level of knowledge about one's body and mind. Part of that increased knowledge is getting accurate information about what is going on in your body. Many test exist that can help diabetics keep accurate track of their progress on the path of diabetes reversal. Listed below are several key test that could be utilized based on individual needs.

The Tests

  •  HbA1c Test: measures inflammation and would be used as a gauge for progress and necessary adjustments along with the C-reactive protein test
  • Gallbladder Function: poor or no gallbladder function inhibits metabolizing fats disrupting metabolic processes. Products such as Ox bile can assist in breaking down dietary fats
  • C-reactive Protein Test: measures the amount inflammation in the body which hinders weight loss, increases weight gain and sets up insulin and leptin resistance.
  • Thyroid Blood Test: to assess proper thyroid function to eliminate it as a cause of weight gain or difficult weight loss
  • Adrenal gland function: to assess proper adrenal gland function to eliminate as a cause of weight gain or difficult weight loss. Adrenal fatigue is associated with excessive stress
  • Indirect Calorimetry: measures the absorption of oxygen, carbon dioxide production and the respiratory exchange rate for an accurate gauge of the body’s metabolic processes at rest
  •  ALCAT or Sage food sensitivity testing: food sensitivities contribute to inflammation and weight gain
  • Yeast/Candida Testing: Candida increases appetite and cravings and must be mitigated for sustained weight loss
  • Vitamin D3 levels: normal range is greater than 32 ng/ml however 50-100 ng/ml is optimal for great health and diabetes reversal (aids with insulin secretion and preventing or reversing insulin resistance)

To be clear not every test need be done. Individual assessment is necessary to know what to keep an eye on so be sure to seek the advice of a trusted healthcare professional.

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